
Welcome to all of our Volunteers at the Bakehouse Theatre. To those of you who are already ensconced - you know how much we appreciate you and you know the drill! To those who are looking to get involved - the more the merrier!

The Bakehouse is a charming, welcoming venue producing exciting, different professional shows, but run on a shoe-string budget. Everyone loves it as soon as they see it. But it does rely enormously on our volunteers to keep it humming along. So if you have some spare time and are just thinking about getting involved in theatre, and not sure where to start, enlisting as a volunteer is simply the best way to get a feel for the place and to work out where you might like to fit in.

The first stop is usually the bar and ticket counter. From there you can really get an over-all view of how the place works, and meet people in the industry, whether they are the actors performing the current show, other industry members who have come along to have a look (eg. Directors, producers etc) . Its one of the best places to find out what's going on in the world of theatre. At the same time you can really help us out by volunteering some of your time.

If you are interested in volunteering please contact us on info@bakehousetheatre.com

Hire Us

We have a Main Theatre (capacity 87) and a Studio Theatre (capacity 40) available for hire. Click here for more information.

Visit Us

255 Angas Street
South Australia 5000
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Contact Us

Tel: (08) 8227 0505
Intl: +61 8 8227 0505
Email: info@bakehousetheatre.com

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