Set in a cloakroom where Gracie's fantastic journey unfolds in the depths of her wild imaginings. She’s surrounded by people covered in façade, pollies that hide more than their budgies, elusive lovers and she has a fair bit of baggage of her own. Gracie, along with the minions of her mind; Fanny Slutzkin and the Hooker Slappers, Victoria Deck’em, Myrtle, the little girl and Miss Davina Opera Diva are uncloaking and unpacking it all.
It’s operatic, it’s comedic, it’s quirky and it’s delivered by one of the best. So, put on the Ritz and strap on your bits for a frolicking good time! (18+)
She's a comedy natural with great energy, a terrific stage presence and a muscular sense of theatricality; a lot of fun to see in action". Liza Dezfouli - Australian Stage
Read what Stage Whispers has to say about this show;- http://www.stagewhispers.com.au/stage-briefs/uncloaked-satirical-cabaret...
Written and Performed by Rosie Rodiadis
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